Noise launches Health API for enterprises to leverage health data

Noise Health API

These days, smartwatches collect a spectrum of health and fitness metrics, from calories burnt to heart rate and stress levels. While users monitor these metrics to proactively manage their health, this data can be further leveraged to build unique solutions and experiences.

To ensure the best use of this health data, Noise, India’s second-leading wearables brand, has launched Noise Health API. Enterprises can integrate this API and create personalised solutions and experiences for their customers.

This can be leveraged across industries like fitness, healthcare, insurance, education, and more.

But what is Noise Health API, and how can enterprises leverage it? Let’s find out.

Noise Health API: Overview and working

Application programming interface (API) is a set of rules and protocols that allows communication and data transfer between different applications and software.

Noise Health API allows other applications to access user health data, including metrics like heart rate, sleep patterns, distance, steps, calories, workout details, stress, and oxygen saturation. Enterprises can integrate this data with their application using the API through pre-authorisation.

How does Noise Health API work?

Noise Health API working

How various industries can leverage the Noise Health API

Corporate Wellness

Corporations can bundle their wellness initiatives with Health API data to track employee wellbeing. This will enable them to enhance employee satisfaction and retention.


Insurance companies can bundle insurance packages with Health API data to provide individualised offers. Having health data will enable them to tailor their products and services to best fit their customer needs. 

Sports and Fitness

Sports and fitness companies can use Health API data insights to monitor and optimise athlete performance. They can improve training regimes, prevent injuries and maximise athletes’ potential.

Banking and Finance

Financial institutions can leverage Health API data to offer financial wellness programs to their customers. They can provide financial benefits for customers maintaining healthy habits.

While these are a few examples, various other industries can also leverage Noise Health API insights to provide their customers with tailored and personalised solutions.

When enterprises leverage health data to incentivise customers, it motivates users to proactively take care of their health while building brand loyalty and affinity. This helps companies with customer acquisition and retention, creating a win-win situation.


With the emergence of sensors and wearables, a lot of health data and metrics are being collected. However, not all data collected is being utilised to its full potential.

There are countless use cases of health data and metrics for various industries. And we are happy to see Noise building a tech stack to ensure this data is leveraged for better health outcomes.

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