Virtual first care: Changing the way care is delivered

Virtual first care is improving the experience of patients, payers and providers and changing the way care is delivered. Know more here.
virtual first care

Imagine you have a chronic condition and have to travel. Leaving behind your usual support network of healthcare providers and specialists could be daunting. If your condition worsens, you may have to seek care at an unfamiliar urgent care clinic or emergency department, which may not align with your care plan and could come with high out-of-pocket costs.

Virtual first care (V1C) platforms save you from such situations. They are designed to provide personalised support and not let chronic conditions control your life. They allow you to take control of your health on your terms. 

While the pandemic increased the adoption of virtual care by 38%, the post-pandemic era is seeing a rise in patient demand for more accessible care options. V1C provides just that. But what exactly is V1C, and how does it work? Read along to know more.

What is Virtual First Care?

Virtual first care, or V1C, is medical care accessed virtually or through digital interactions, guided by a clinician and integrated into an individual’s everyday life, as defined by the Digital Medicine Society (DiMe). In simple words, V1C refers to accessing care first in a virtual way. 

Unlike other post-pandemic health monitoring platforms that limit themselves to text and video call options, V1C goes above and beyond the standard health monitoring system and allows patients to have 24/7 access to a care team of doctors, including their primary care physician, condition-specific specialist, and certified coaches online, from the comfort of their own homes.

Key features of virtual first care

Virtual first care combines digital medicine, communications technology, and clinical expertise for patient-centred healthcare. Its key features include:

Evidence-based protocols:

V1C guidelines are based on the best available scientific evidence and help healthcare providers make informed decisions about how to care for patients as safely and effectively as possible. Following these protocols ensures patients receive high-quality care and support during their recovery.

Traditional and digital therapeutics:

V1C uses a combination of traditional therapies like medications and surgeries and digital technologies like telehealth consultations and self-care resources to deliver healthcare services and support patients in managing their health and well-being remotely.

Personalised care plans:

V1C providers work with patients to create personalised treatment and support plans that are a combination of strategies like medication, physical therapy, stress management techniques, etc., to address specific health concerns and needs. This personalised approach to care ensures that patients receive the support and treatment they need to manage their pain and improve their quality of life.

Dynamic patient monitoring:

It’s another critical aspect of V1C, which involves continuously tracking and assessing a patient’s health and well-being 24/7. Using remote monitoring tools and technologies, V1C helps gather data about a patient’s symptoms, behaviours and other factors that impact their health. This continuous monitoring allows V1C providers to quickly identify any changes in a patient’s health status and respond appropriately.

Team-based approaches to care:

V1C involves providing a multidisciplinary team of healthcare providers working together to provide comprehensive care to patients. This ensures patients receive the most appropriate and effective treatment and is highly helpful for patients with chronic conditions or complex healthcare needs.

Safety and regulatory adherence:

As V1C involves the use of telehealth and other internet-based services and collects sensitive health information, it aims to adhere to all applicable laws. V1C providers follow best practices on standards of care, individual safety and security, privacy and data rights. 

Overall, V1C aims to provide convenient, customised, and high-quality care for patients, while addressing regulatory issues and concerns around privacy, security, and interoperability.

Benefits of virtual first care

Continuous and real-time health monitoring

Through continuous and real-time monitoring, V1C provides accurate diagnoses and treatment when compared to traditional methods, where a doctor sees patients only when they visit the clinic. It helps patients take control of their health.

Increases healthcare accessibility

Virtual first care can be initiated anywhere and at any time through digital interactions. It allows patients in remote or underserved areas to access specialist care, reducing the need for in-person visits. It is also helpful for patients who feel intimidated by in-person appointments or who have difficulty travelling, like elderly patients.

A hybrid approach to care

V1C provides flexibility to patients by allowing for both virtual and in-person care as needed. The hybrid approach helps providers give patients a seamless and integrated experience.

IMPACT: Defining virtual first care

VIrtual first Medical PrActice CollaboraTion, IMPACT, is a V1C initiative by the Digital Medicine Society (DiMe) and the American Telemedicine Association (ATA). It aims to go beyond conventional telemedicine efforts layered on top of existing healthcare organisations to develop virtual-first solutions. 

The pre-competitive collaboration of leading digital health companies, investors, payers, and consultants is dedicated to supporting virtual-first medical organisations and their commitment to patient-centric care.

IMPACT’s contribution to date

Since its establishment in 2021, IMPACT has been dedicated to driving progress in the field of virtual-first care. It has worked with leading virtual care providers, including Omada, Headspace, Heartbeat Health, Oshi, Visana, and Wellinks, to provide high-quality care for patients with long-term conditions such as diabetes, heart failure, gastrointestinal illness, endometriosis, and COPD. 

These providers have made significant contributions towards the advancement of virtual care and the improvement of patient outcomes. Major insurers like Aetna and United have begun offering virtual-first plans to their members.

Through its efforts, IMPACT aims to provide valuable resources to patients and providers and establish a framework for the effective use of digital health in the future. It is committed to continuing working towards the development and improvement of virtual care to provide convenient and high-quality care for all patients.

Virtual first care: Improving the experience of payers and providers

By prioritising the needs of patients and building healthcare around it, V1C has the potential to improve the lives of patients and reduce disease burden while improving the experience of payers and providers.

While it is estimated that by 2025, approximately 70.6 million people will be utilising remote patient monitoring tools, virtual first care has the potential to address complex regulatory issues and evolving concerns around privacy, security, and interoperability.

With the ability to more efficiently deploy healthcare talent, V1C has the potential to alleviate the increasing burden and frustration faced by individual healthcare providers in the traditional patient-care system.

“V1C is likely the greatest opportunity of our lifetimes to redefine healthcare and improve lives.”

-Jennifer Goldsack, CEO at DiMe
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