2021 has emerged with a clarion call to the
power of India’s digital opportunity. It has
shown the potential for ‘Uniquely India’
solutions to create a global impact.
Indian health care market is estimated to be at $372B with digital healthcare at ~1.5%. Diagnostics, health montoring and fintech solutions for healthcare are called our as large subsegments.

This report captures the evolution of Indian start up sectors at the back of digital infrastrucutre maturity. For healthcare, the following sub sectors will see traction Primary care, Preventitve Care, Verticalaized Platforms, Healthcare SAAS

~150+ Healthtech companies were funded in 2021 as India ranks 4th in global healthtech investment. Few companies invested by kalaari captial include CULTFIT, Stanplus, HealhtPlix, Portl and Phable.

Tweet from Vani Kola on the report.
Earlier last year kalaari capital released report India chronic care which can be found here
Kalaari Capital is an early-stage, technology-focused venture capital firm investing across Seed and Series A startups and empower visionary entrepreneurs to build unique solutions that reshape the way Indians live, work, consume and transact.