Robotics in Dental Treatment: An Upcoming Revolution - All Health Tech

Robotics in Dental Treatment: An Upcoming Revolution

Robotic and microrobotic tools are revolutionising dentistry with precision equipment.
Robotics in dental treatment

Have you noticed robots invading the dental field? Yes, they have! Robotic setups are seeing applications in various dental procedures. They are bringing radical changes in the way traditional dental procedures work. Allowing patients to feel more comfortable during their appointments, dental robotics also takes a huge load off dentists.

This article dives deep into robotics in dental treatment and how they can bring a revolution.

Robotic and Microrobotic Tools in Dental Treatment

Robotic and microrobotic tools are replacing the use of rigid tools and help improve patient safety. These tools are mainly used to remove microorganisms from teeth, reduce trauma in the face and neck, and improve pain management. 

According to a study, results obtained from robotic and microrobotic tools benefit both endodontics and oral surgery procedures. Robotic dental technologies also help in improving patient confidence in dentistry treatment.

Let’s discuss how dental robots are helping dentists in significant ways.

In identifying caries and cracked teeth

Caries and cracked teeth are very common in human dental practice. Noninvasive methods like robotics make their diagnosis easier. 

The advanced technology allows dentists to see microleakage under a microscope and highlight cracks and early tooth decay. In fact, under extreme magnification levels, the enamel will also show a lack of dentin, enamel structural integrity and caries decayed in teeth. 

In Root Canal Treatment

You must have heard that root canal treatment is the most painful dental procedure. It’s not only painful for the patient but also dentists. Robotic and microrobotic dental tools help in

  • Location of root canal
  • Preparation for root canal
  • Root canal filling
  • Removal of obstructions

In treating tooth infections

When treating tooth infections, it is vital to ensure that all harmful microbes are removed deep inside the dentinal tubules. Scientists have developed tiny robots that can navigate inside these narrow canals, where bacteria hide. The robots are manoeuvred using a magnetic field and can be manipulated using stereolithography (3-D printing technology).

In Periodontology

Periodontology deals with structures that support the tooth like gums, cementum, etc. A periodontal probe is an application of robotics in dental treatment. It helps in quantified reading of tissue damage and visualisation of structures not visible by direct vision. 

In oral and maxillofacial surgery

Robotic and microrobotic tools minimise damage during surgical treatment, alongside reducing medical costs and increasing patient rehabilitation.

In oral medicine

Advanced tools help diagnose mucosal diseases. The pathological cells are observed under robotic tools to prescribe the right treatment.

In prosthodontics and implants

Prosthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with making false teeth and placing them with genuine teeth. Robotic tools help in making teeth and implanting them to match with natural appearance without side effects.

Strengths and weaknesses of robotics in dental treatment


A dental operating microscope can improve human eye resolution and obtain more visual information to help with minimally invasive treatments. It does not require constant adjustment as the eyepiece and observation object distance remain stable.

Skilled dentists and assistants can achieve more efficiency through the use of these microscopes.


Robotic and microrobotic tools are expensive precision instruments. They need professional maintenance because of their use and operation complexity. Operators and assistants need special training before use and a certain adaptation period to become accustomed to using the machines. 

Will robots replace dentists?

Dentistry is moving toward a new world of robot-assisted and data-driven medicine. Robotic and microrobotic tools are advantageous in dental clinics. However, robots can never replace humans. They’ll act as assistants for dentists to serve more people in less time.

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